If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Trump claimed to be a god in his inauguration speech. Oh wait—I do, and he did! That’s a bold claim, I know. But read between the lines, and you’ll see there’s a lot that Trump isn’t telling you. One of those things is his claim to divine power. My last two articles examined Trump’s inaugural statements as they pertained to religion. My first article in the series, “Trump’s Inauguration Speech: Reading Between the… Read more
If you’re not careful, you might believe the religious rhetoric coming out of Donald Trump’s mouth. But what is he NOT telling you? In Donald Trump’s inaugural address, the President made nine statements pertaining to religion. My last article, “Trump’s Inauguration Speech: Reading Between the Li(n)es” examined the first three: “Give people back their faith” “One nation’s glorious destiny” “My life was saved for a reason” In this second of the series, I will look at three more statements the… Read more
Donald Trump had a lot to say about religion in his second inaugural speech. What’s between the li(n)es? What was Trump NOT telling you? My daughter has only seen one inaugural speech (Biden’s) other than Trump’s most recent one. She messaged me, noting all the religious language in his address. I told her that religious language is common in presidential speeches. You could bet money on a US President quoting scripture or at least saying “God bless America” as part… Read more
Our biggest problem is we have wandered away from our Source. Jesus and Lao Tzu say the solution is to return to our Source, God, or Tao. How can we return to our Source? The Tao Te Ching says, “If you can empty your mind of all thoughts your heart will embrace the tranquility of peace. Watch the workings of all creation, but contemplate their return to the source.” The workings of all creation certainly have their allure, but returning… Read more
Once, I would have told you that tree-hugging New Agers were nuts! But a careful study of the Bible showed me that they are right! In my last article, “What If the Universe is Alive?” I discussed writing a novel years ago, set in a fantasy world where everything was alive. Crazy idea, I thought! I based the notion on all the poetic scriptures that symbolically depict a sentient creation. But the more I studied, the more I found them… Read more
Christians disparage Neopagans for believing in nature spirits. But both share a belief in animism–the view that the universe is alive. World Religion Day is celebrated in January. There is no better time to discuss similarities between what many consider to be very different faiths. Many Christians call it woo-woo when witchy friends talk of tree-hugging or communing with nature. Churchgoers roll their eyes when they hear New Agers talking about spirits of the forest, field, or flood. They… Read more
Can we disagree on fundamentally important issues, while remaining friends? Can we follow Jesus and still have enemies? What about frenemies? Now that the US election is over and the inauguration lies on the horizon, many progressive Christians sit in shock. Some are surprised because the American people have dashed their optimistic outlook. Naively, they believed that truth would win out in this election. Basic decency would triumph, they told themselves. Yet Jesus warned about people’s love growing cold. He… Read more
Spiritual seekers need mystical models whose lives exemplify the qualities of a sage. Jesus and Lao Tzu demonstrate how to live in balance. Living like a sage might seem like a lofty goal. But Taoist and Christian teachers show it’s not so much a matter of attaining great heights as settling into the depths of Ultimate Being. You can live like a sage if you learn to be subtle, discerning, alert, courteous, fluid and receptive. The fifteenth verse of Lao… Read more
Have you broken your New Year’s resolutions already? Better focus on dreams, goals, and plans instead of resolutions. What’s the difference? It’s easy to make a New Year’s resolution. Lots of people make them every year on December 31, then break them by January 2. How can you end the cycle of failed resolutions? Focus on dreams, goals, and plans instead. Resolutions are Re-Solutions By definition, a resolution is a re-solution. That means it’s a solution that you make… Read more
Christians often claim a godless world has stolen the true meaning of Christmas. Funny—Pagans say Christians stole the true meaning of Yule. Over the past year, my series “Christian & Pagan Holidays” examined the relationship between sacred days in the first group’s liturgical calendar, and those in the second group’s wheel of the year. Some may call it appropriation—and that wouldn’t be incorrect. Others would name it stealing—and there would be some truth to that. But in this season of… Read more